Alexander Frost

Stage Fright: On Opening Night

Stage Fright

TGA-Project: 8

Genre: Coop Puzzle Game

Reference game: The Last Campfire

Group name: Smoggers

Engine: GhastLight Engine

Code: C++


Stage Fright, our final group project. This time we didn’t get any specifics on what kind of game we wanted to make and could make almost what ever we wanted. Because of this we kind of struggled to come up with what we wanted to make, since we where a bunch of people that where wanna work on it and we wanted to come up with something that everybody would like to work on.

We could also work full time on this project since we didn’t have any new courses or assignments during this time. And we also got to move in to the same room for this final project which meanth that we could work even closer than before.

With all this in mind we scoped a little bit more than we had previously done and gave our all just because we wanted to go out with a bang!

After a long week of deciding what we wanted to make we settled for a local coop puzzle game.

My contiburations

For this project I got to work on three-C (Character, Camera & Controls).

I had one other gameplay programmer who worked with me on the puzzle mechanics, such as levers & pressureplates. Because we worked on two similar things that was going to interact with eachother we had to communicate and collaborate closely so we knew how and what data needed to be sent between the two players and the components.

The other thing I got to work on was the spline-movement for the Camera in the game! Since we didn’t have any splines in our engine I had to implement them.

First I thought that the math was going to be complicated, but after looking at a video that deepdives into the math of splines made by the very talented Freya Holmér.

I realized that the math was actually fairly simple!

We have two connecting lines where we Lerp from start to finish with a value from 0-1. We then make a line betweed tose two points. If we were to take this new red line that we have created and get the same position out of 0-1 and trace a line through this we would get a quadratic bezier spline
Then we add another connecting line and do the same thing so we now have two imaginary red lines.
We then interpolate from the same 0-1 value on those line and draw another imaginary line.
the interpelation on this final line will be the where the spline is traced.
This type of spline is called a cubic bezier and is the most common one in video game development.


I’m so happy with how this game turned out! It was a fun last project with it’s fair share of challenges. And everyone was working together to make this a good final project for us to remember.

While on summer break me and the other Programmers from the group took some time and started fixing some minor issues with the game.

Because we wanted to nominate our game to Swedish Game Awards. And the cool thing is that we both got nominated and won in the “best art of 2024” category.

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